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    Sleepover & Night Supports

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    Sleepover & Night Supports

    Our Services

    Sleepover & Night Supports

    Night-time sleepover help is ideal for individuals who may require assistance during the night. While some people may only require assistance for a few hours during the day, others with higher-level care needs may prefer to have someone present while they sleep. In this manner, someone will be nearby to assist if a need arises during the night.

    Righteous Community Care provides Sleepover & night support services that assist people in their homes and can give much-needed respite to family members and carers. We pride ourselves on listening to our customer’s needs and providing customised services. We strive to create a safe environment so that you can be as independent as possible. Night support is support provided to participants on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays that include: 

    • Starts before midnight on any given day and ends after midnight on that day. And
    • A continuous period of 8 hours or more. And
    • Workers may sleep when not assisting.

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